Sunday, September 22, 2013

I Need You

See the moon tonight
Shining very bright
Ain’t it a beautiful sight
Filling the sky with light

Look at the stars in the sky
See if their flying by
Wishing for all the lies
to stop, to not to cry


I need you I need you


Come to me, come to me


I miss you, I miss you


come here

Feeling alone in a crowd
these feelings are weighing you down
feeling about to drown
in tears

Nobody cares for you
emotions are turning blue
As wet as the morning dew
its true


i need you, I need you


come to me, come to me


I miss you, I miss you


Where are you?

Oh your so close
Yet so far
What would you do if I came to you

What would you do?

What would you do?

I need you I want you
My arms ache to hold you
I need you lose to me

No distance I wouldn't go

If only there was hope


I need you, I need you


I miss you I miss you


Where are you where are you


Come to me come to me


Be here

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Miles Away

This is a very important song to me. I wrote it about leaving home. I hope you like it as much as I do.

When I was little you kept a close eye on your baby
never let no harm come to me
You always knew that someday maybe
Youd have to let me roam free

Youd wake me up to see if i was still breathing
No matter how long it took to fall asleep
All of lifes problems, you took care of everything
Now its time for me to take on lifes greatest leaps

You'll forever have a place in my heart
Dont you ever worry about that
We knew someday wed have to part
Don't worry, Ill always know where to go
Home is only a couple miles away

How could I ever forget the woman who took care of me
You always let me be who I wanted to be
If it wasn't for you I don't know what I would do
Mommy I love you

Why would I let myself ever forget you dad
You loved me even when I was bad
Forgave and forgot all the stupid things
Daddy I love you

You'll forever have a place in my heart
Dont you ever worry about that
We knew someday wed have to part
Don't worry, Ill always know where to go
Home is only a couple miles away

Its time to let your girl fly
time to watch her go
dont worry ill be Ok
I know the way home

It's time to let me grow up
be who I need to be
make my own mistakes
let me be free

You'll forever have a place in my heart
Dont you ever worry about that
We knew someday wed have to part
Don't worry, Ill always know where to go
Home is only a couple miles away

I was never in a hurry
youve got no need to worry
its just my time to go

You'll forever have a place in my heart
Dont you ever worry about that
We knew someday wed have to part
Don't worry, Ill always know where to go
Home is only a couple miles away

Home is only a cuple miles away

Oh, home is only a couple of miles away

I wanna make a note about the 2nd verse, where it says "You'd wake me up to see if I was still breathing no matter how long it took to fall alseep". This is a true notion. My dad, when i was a baby, came home from work one day and asked my mom where I was. She told him I was sleeping. He went upstairs and woke me up and my mom got mad because it had taken her 3 hours to get me to fall asleep. My dad looked at her and said that a baby in the neighborhood had died of SIDS (sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The story had upset him so much, being that he had a baby of his own at home, that he had to make sure that I was still breathing.

I love my parents so much and even though I am out on my own now, I will always know where to go when I need help.

I love you mom and dad,
Nessie <3

Friday, May 27, 2011

Something new!

Here is something new i am currently working on :)

We're gonna strike a match tonight
Don't worry baby it'll be alright
I trust you

Sparks will fly with your lips on mine
don't rush honey take your time
You have no need to worry

Because this love is ours tonight
The only thing real for me
the feel of your hand in mine
The way its supposed to be with you

What we have is real
the truth to be revealed
We belong together forever

Don't be shy just take my hand baby
give me your warmth and love
show me how much you care for me

Its a work in progress FOR SURE! But I like where its going. I wanted to post a new song I wrote, or rather finished, called MILES AWAY however my computer is not cooperating with the wireless internet so itll have to wait...

well, till later,
Nessie <3

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


This is the first song I'm going to post. For now I call it "feelings". I wrote the first verse about 2 years ago, and since really getting into writing, I added to it.

Ohhhh, whoa,

Thunder crashes, rain falls,
it's the calm before the storm,
tears are falling down my face,
i can't take this anymore.

The earth shakes, the air cracks,
my heart is breaking at the thought,
of not having you in my life,
and the happiness you've brought.

My feelins are mixed up
I don't know what to do
please God send me a sign
Help me think it through

Things can be difficult
I don't know what is right
send me the help I need
To get me through the night

My hand in yours our hearts are one,
baby don't ever leave,
I love you
please forgive me,
dont ever leave me be

My feelins are mixed up
I don't know what to do
please God send me a sign
Help me think it through

Things can be difficult
I don't know what is right
send me the help I need
To get me through the night

Oh it Feels like my hearts on fire,
like a big hot flame
or maybe wrapped in wire,
i cant forget your name

My feelins are mixed up
I don't know what to do
please God send me a sign
Help me think it through

Things can be difficult
I don't know whats right
send me the help I need
To get me through the night

the lights flicker on and off,
i take it as a sign
this will last for eternity,
ill never leave you behind

I know now how I feel
my heart screams your name
I just want to hold you
I'm so glad you came

Thank you God for everything
I know everything is right
I love this man with all my heart
Will for the rest of my life

I hope you like it. I, unfortunately, do not play any instruments and therefore all my songs are strictly lyrical. And even that isn't too good cuz I don't have the best voice lol. But I love to sing so, this is what I get!

Anyway, thanks for dropping in. Come back for more because I have a lot more songs written, and a lot more to come!

Nessie <3

About me


My name is Vanessa, also known as Nessie, and I love to write. Over the past few months I have really gotten into writing songs and poems. It's a wonderful way to express emotions and work out feelings. Some of my songs are written about how I WOULD feel, and not necessarily HOW I AM feeling at the moment. Or I take how I feelings and ask "how would someone else feel?" and write that. Not all of my songs are about me, or about how I feel about someone or something so I don't want anything taken out of proportion.

I hope you enjoy my writing, and please remember everything is MINE..copyright belongs to ME.

Thank you,
Nessie <3