Friday, May 27, 2011

Something new!

Here is something new i am currently working on :)

We're gonna strike a match tonight
Don't worry baby it'll be alright
I trust you

Sparks will fly with your lips on mine
don't rush honey take your time
You have no need to worry

Because this love is ours tonight
The only thing real for me
the feel of your hand in mine
The way its supposed to be with you

What we have is real
the truth to be revealed
We belong together forever

Don't be shy just take my hand baby
give me your warmth and love
show me how much you care for me

Its a work in progress FOR SURE! But I like where its going. I wanted to post a new song I wrote, or rather finished, called MILES AWAY however my computer is not cooperating with the wireless internet so itll have to wait...

well, till later,
Nessie <3

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